The following documents are in PDF format. Adobe Reader is required to view the PDF’s. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat, please click here to download the free Adobe Reader.
- PRESS RELEASE – Receiver’s Statement on the Status of the Sale of the Burke Mountain Hotel and Conference Center , dated 03/05/2025 DOWNLOAD
- Notice to Investors in the QBurke EB-5 Project from the State of Vermont, Office of the Attorney General , dated 05/29/2024 DOWNLOAD
- Receiver’s Letter to Jay Peak and Burke Investors regarding proposed Interim Distribution , dated 03/29/2024 DOWNLOAD
- Notice to Investors Regarding Status of 2023 Schedule K-1s , dated 02/12/2024 DOWNLOAD
- Notice to Phase VIII-Burke Mountain Investors Regarding Upcoming Mandamus Action , dated 07/06/2023 DOWNLOAD
- Receiver’s Tenth Status Report , dated 05/30/2023 DOWNLOAD
- Letter from Receiver to Jay Peak Investors , dated 04/21/2023 DOWNLOAD
- Notice of Investors regarding 2022 Schedule K-1 , dated 03/17/2023 DOWNLOAD
- Letter from Receiver to Jay Peak Investors , dated 01/27/2023 DOWNLOAD
- Important Information Regarding the 2021 Schedule K-1s , dated 04/09/2022 DOWNLOAD
- Receiver’s Letter to Investors (Phase 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8) regarding Interim Distribution Claim Form – Deadline: March 31, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. , dated 01/14/2022 DOWNLOAD
- Receiver’s Ninth Interim Report [ECF No.: 699] , dated 10/01/2021 DOWNLOAD
- Receiver’s Letter Regarding Reinstatement of the Vermont Regional Center , dated 05/06/2021 DOWNLOAD
- Receiver’s Eighth Interim Report [ECF No. 591] , dated 05/26/2020 DOWNLOAD
- Receiver’s Seventh Interim Report [ECF No.: 575] , dated 10/16/2019 DOWNLOAD
- Jay Peak Receiver Announces the Termination of Relationship with William Stenger , dated 05/31/2019 VIEW DOCUMENT
- Receiver’s Sixth Interim Report [ECF No.: 564] , dated 05/20/2019 DOWNLOAD
- Warning Letter to Jay Peak Investors regarding Third Party Solicitations to Purchase Your Jay Peak Investment , dated 04/05/2019 DOWNLOAD
- Notice to Investors Regarding Status of K-1’s , dated 03/13/2019 DOWNLOAD
- Receiver’s Fifth Interim Report [ECF No.: 487] , dated 08/10/2018 DOWNLOAD
- Notice of Filing Receiver’s Fourth Interim Report [ECF No.: 437] , dated 01/10/2018 DOWNLOAD
- Notice From Receiver Regarding Recent USCIS Action , dated 09/28/2017 DOWNLOAD
- Receiver’s Letter to “Phase 7” Jay Peak Biomedical Research Park L.P. Investors Only regarding Refund of Principal or Possible Redeployment Into New EB-5 Project , dated 08/03/2017 DOWNLOAD
- Notice of Filing Receiver’s Third Interim Report [ECF No.: 363] , dated 07/11/2017 DOWNLOAD
- Memorandum from Receiver to Jay Peak Investors regarding “Explanation of Benefits of Raymond Settlement” , dated 05/19/2017 DOWNLOAD
- PRESS RELEASE – Jay Peak Resort Receiver Michael Goldberg Reaches $150 Million Settlement , dated 04/13/2017 DOWNLOAD
- Notice of Filing Receiver’s Second Interim Status Report [ECF No. 240] , dated 11/22/2016 DOWNLOAD
- Update and Information on Daccache et al. v. Raymond James & Associates, Inc., et al., Case No.: 16-cv-21575 (S.D. Fla) , dated 11/17/2016 DOWNLOAD
- Proposed Legislation for EB-5 Fraud Cases , dated 09/13/2016 VIEW DOCUMENT
- RECEIVER’S UPDATE: As of Friday, September 2nd, Bill Stenger is no longer an employee of Jay Peak, but instead Bill will provide assistance to the Receiver on an as-needed basis. This change in Bill’s status coincides with the opening of the Burke Hotel and the stabilization of the Jay Peak Resort and the recognition that his services are no longer needed on a full time basis. We thank Bill for his assistance over the past few months , dated 09/02/2016 DOWNLOAD
- Receiver’s Summary of Settlement with Citibank , dated 08/31/2016 DOWNLOAD
- Notice of Filing Receiver’s First Interim Report , dated 08/12/2016 DOWNLOAD
- Information from Class Counsel on Daccache et al. v. Raymond James Financial, Inc. et al, Case No. 16-cv-21575 (S.D.Fla) , dated 08/11/2016 DOWNLOAD
- Joint letter from the Receiver and Vermont Regional Center to U.S. Department of Homeland Security , dated 06/30/2016 DOWNLOAD
- State of Vermont Settles Administrative Action Against Raymond James. Receivership Estate to Receive $4.5 Million for Benefit of Investors. PLEASE NOTE: At this point in time, the Receiver will hold the funds in trust until a formal claims process can be undertaken and approved by the court. You will be notified by the Receiver at a later time on how to file a claim , dated 06/30/2016 DOWNLOAD
- Receiver’s Memo to Investors regarding Preliminary Status of Receivership Entities , dated 06/02/2016 DOWNLOAD
- Joint letter from the Receiver and Vermont Regional Center to USCIS Investor Program Office , dated 05/24/2016 DOWNLOAD
- Letter to Investors and Potential Creditors , dated 04/21/2016 DOWNLOAD